Population Jihad a ticking time bomb for Bharat

So you think Ghazwa-E-Hind is a mere imagination of our neighbouring Islamic neighbour? Think again!

Saudi Arab Professor Nasir bin Suleman ul Omar says that India is “self-aggrandizing”. Islam is growing fast and thousands of Muslims, have entered the system by infiltrating police, army, bureaucracy etc and Islam is the second largest religion in India. .

Today, India too is on the verge of destruction. Just as it takes decades for a nation to rise, similarly it takes time for its destruction.

India will not end overnight. It will be eliminated gradually. We Muslims are working relentlessly and very seriously on that. India will certainly be destroyed.

Indian Kashmiri Hindus’ condition will soon be as that of the Yazidis of Iraq.

In India, about 65,000 children are born every day. Of these, about 40,000 Muslim children, while Hindus have about 15,000 children. Others are 10,000.

That is, about 20% of the total population of Muslims are out numbering 80% of Hindus in child birth rate!

Among the children being born now, Muslim is majority,…and Hindu is minority.

At this rate, by 2050, Muslims in India will become majority.

‘Nobody will be able to stop India from being a Muslim nation, because India will immediately come under riotous fire.

Will eliminate Hindus by killing them.

Today, the population of Muslims is around 20% according to government figures, but in fact they have crossed 25%.

Government figures are incorrect because the Wahhabi Muslims deliberately hide their actual numbers at the time of counting and do not get recorded. So that the weapon of their population remains hidden, such that the Kafirs remain unaware.

There is immense deception in the name of secularism in India, but the misfortune for the Hindus is that they are still deep asleep.

It is unfathomable why the Hindu does not look at Kashmir in his neighborhood??!! Whence Hindus had to flee leaving their entire property and leaving their girls and women.😡😡😡

Secularism in India is only as long as Hindus are in majority and what will be the result if Hindus are in minority?

We can understand this from the data of endangered infidels of Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The Hindu does not speak at all, remains silent, takes a high moral ground, ….. so, your fate is sure to be terrible.

Leave aside Pakistan and Bangladesh.. learn from the present Kashmir itself.

Observe the Muslim-majority areas of other states like Kerala, Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, where Kafirs have been continuously migrating to Hindu settlements from adjoining Muslim areas.

Just go to any township with the Muslim majority population in any city and observe your baited breath in the middle of these staring eyes!

Apart from this, glaring examples of countries like Zambia and Malaysia also exist.

As soon as they became majority, these secular countries were declared as Islamic countries.

Examples of London, Sweden, France, Norway exist, violence is happening there nearly every day.

Ever imagine why it is happening? Who is doing it?? What is the motive??

It is a part of their trickery, to create so much panic in the people, instill such fear in their hearts that they do not have the courage to speak!

Don’t you understand that, these people are gathering five times a day in the name of prayers and conspiring against You, You and only YOU kafirs! Taking vows, pledging to eliminate you as many as five times a day!

Therefore, closing the eyes and mouth will not prevent trouble. The time has come to open your eyes and mouth and be aware and make other sleeping Hindus aware.

Lest it be too late …….Time is short! Think, understand, ACT!

– Writer not known

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