Chilling reality: Cow killings a routine affair here

Swarajya has done a bone-chilling reality check for those, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who never tire of blaming the Gau Rakshaks of violence. Here is what the journalist, Swati Goel Sharma, had to say about the horrible state of affairs in a series of tweets…

“We have just published a detailed report on Alwar and how villagers are giving up on gau raksha.

Before that, here’s something you probably don’t know about: Ten days after Rakbar case, 221 cow skins were found in a house in same Ramgarh tehsil. Here’s when raid happened.

Villagers say they were shocked by the brazenness of it. “Let alone living in the terror of gau rakshaks as media claims, they don’t even fear the law,” a resident said.

Villagers are angry with police as they feel they have diluted d case. Convictions in such cases are abysmally low. Which is why repeat offenders in Alwar are as high as 500.

They have no hope from elected leaders. BJP MLA Gyandev Ahuja visited and left after sprinkling Ganga Jal there.

If this is not a reality check of how brazen the beef trade is, I don’t know what is. Our report: ”

⁃ Swati Goel Sharma, Swarajya

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